2013 Convention Media Alert: AFN Highlights Subsistence Strategy, Demonstration Projects

AFN Convention Update

AFN Highlights Subsistence Strategy, Demonstration Projects

FAIRBANKS, AK – Day two of the AFN Convention yesterday closed with an impactful report on Subsistence.

Dr. Rosita Worl, Chair, AFN Subsistence Committee yesterday provided a compelling briefing and status report, with members of the AFN Subsistence Committee: Denise May, Joe Chythlook, Taqulik Hepa, Mary Ann Mills, Myron Naneng, Rosita Worl, Michelle Anderson.

Dr. Worl reiterated AFN’s committed to the long-term goal of achieving full and lasting federal protections for the Alaska Native hunting, fishing and gathering way of life, and a co-equal role in the management of fish, wildlife and other renewable resources that form the basis for our economic and cultural existence. She went on to provide a detailed report, available for download here.

Dr. Worl shared that AFN is also working with AVCP and TCC, as well as the Ahtna tribes to advance several demonstration projects.

Myron Naneng and Jerry Isaac shared details about the AVCP/TCC proposal that would create Inter-Tribal Fish Commissions for the Yukon and Kuskokwim Rivers and require the Secretary to enter into cooperative and funding agreements with these Commissions for the conservation and management of fishery resources in both river drainages.

The Ahtna demonstration project would allow the tribes in the region to manage wildlife on Ahtna and other Native-owned lands, and create a Federal/State/tribal co-management structure. Michelle Anderson, accompanied by Roy Ewan, Eleanor Dementi, and Nick Jackson shared further details.

The demonstration projects were highlighted in the Senate Energy & Natural Resources Hearing in DC, and legislative language has been sent to the Alaska congressional delegation and to the State of Alaska.

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This year’s AFN Convention is taking place from Thursday, October 24th through Saturday, October 26th at the Carlson Center in Fairbanks, Alaska. More event details and a LIVE webcast of the event are available at:  www.nativefederation.org/annual-convention

Join us on social media! #AFN2013

For more information or to schedule interviews, please contact Ben Mallott: 907-321-3217 or [email protected].


To read full press release click HERE.


The Alaska Federation of Natives was formed in October 1966, when more than 400 Alaska Natives representing 17 Native organizations gathered for a three-day conference to address Alaska Native aboriginal land rights. It is now the largest statewide Native organization in Alaska. Its membership includes 178 villages (both federally-recognized tribes and village corporations), 13 regional Native corporations and 12 regional nonprofit and tribal consortiums that contract and run federal and state programs. AFN is governed by a 37-member Board, which is elected by its membership at the annual convention held each October. The mission of AFN is to enhance and promote the cultural, economic and political voice of the entire Alaska Native community. Learn more at www.nativefederation.org.